Sunday, April 10, 2011

Assignment stuff

I'm doing research for Assignment 2B and came across a site called This is my favourite game which seems to be aimed at the year 1 level. I've chosen to work on a Maths component within 2B because, well, at school, I sucked at it. Or, at least I think I did. I think the truth is, I just never found it as interesting as English and so I didn't apply myself. Maybe if it had been presented in a somewhat more fun way I would have enjoyed it more.  I would absolutely use this in my assignment, but I'm not entirely sure that it is a SmartBoard game. I found in by Googling Smartboard free resources, but there's nothing on the site (as far as I can tell) that says it is a SmartBoard resource.

It has been a devastating day for Lee and I. We found two huge termite nests in our bookcases and have to throw dozens of books away. Neither of us can face it just yet, so I'm working on my assignment and Lee has taken the kids to Bunnings to play. I've thrown several of Lee's books away in his absence, just so he doesn't have to do it when he gets home.

At least I have my assignments to keep my mind off things.

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